RVing with cats presents many potential concerns when it comes to being on the road. Although, the main question on the owner’s mind is often, where do we put the litter box?, it is just as important to make sure your furry children are happy and healthy! Here are some tips for RVing with cats that will help you both stay comfortable:

1. Provide multiple hiding places.
For all you cat owners, you know exactly why this is important. Cats love to hide for many reasons and it’s not always out of fear. Providing more than one place for your cats gives them options and helps them stay comfortable in even a small home. While one space might be used to sleep, they may prefer another space for play or hiding when you are driving.
Your little guys need to have places they can run to and know they will be safe. Whether you’re just renting a rig for the weekend or setting out on a lengthy journey, have a few places in mind where your feline friends can find sanctuary.

2. Make toys available at all times.
No matter how long your RV trip is, the pets you have on board need exercise just like they would when not traveling. While you would likely walk a dog regularly no matter where you are, don’t forget to make sure your cats stay active as well! Whatever toys your cat(s) prefer, be sure you have them with you as you travel.
Some RV-friendly toys include scratch lounges or pads, balls, mice, and cubes. Cats enjoy playing and being active, so the more options available to them the more exercise they will receive.
3. Above all, listen to them.
I know this sounds strange, but if you’ve had cats long enough you know they will tell you what they need. When we first set out, we cut a hole in the paneling under our bed and sectioned off space for the litter box. For a few months, this was fine. The cats used the box and it was out of sight.
It wasn’t until another month or so that they not only stopped using the box, but started going outside the space altogether. After thinking our cats were ill, we summed up that space wasn’t working for them anymore.
We’ve since moved the litter box to a “utility” area we created at the front of our Class C. They started using the litter box again without skipping a beat, but it took time to listen to what they needed. There was no rhyme or reason for their decision, but, at some point, they changed their minds and we had to adjust.

If you’re a cat owner, you have learned the unique behaviors and individual necessities of your cat. You know where they like to hide and the toys they won’t go without, so just make sure to use that knowledge when hitting the road! And if you’re looking for more pet travel tips, check out Sigfried Trent’s article on camping with pets.
Also, don’t forget to make sure you pick a pet-friendly Outdoorsy RV rental for your trip. Maybe you can even find one with some of these cat must-haves included!