Every time I sat on the U-shaped couch in the middle of a little TAB Teardrop trailer (or T@B), it reminded me of sitting in a cozy tree fort (even though I was just a few feet off the ground and it was packed with premium finishes). I was exactly where I wanted to be. You see, I’ve dreamt about TAB Teardrop trailers ever since I was young.

Before I owned a T@B, I was able to rent a T@B Teardrop trailer occasionally. Otherwise, we used our tent for every outdoor adventure. Last summer, as we camped in our tent in an epic heatwave, my husband threw out his back from sleeping on the ground. It became evident that our tent camping days were numbered. Because we camp so frequently, we decided that it was time to look into purchasing an RV. And of course, my mind went right to buying a new or used teardrop trailer.
So my husband and I headed to our very first RV show. I have dim memories of attending some sort of camping show as a child in the Pontiac Silverdome. But this was different. It was my first RV show as an adult with purchasing power and a strong interest in details. I knew the RV show would be geared toward larger trailers and motorhomes. When we got there, I knew where I was headed — to find a TAB Teardrop trailer for sale. We were looking for a teardrop RV less than 20 feet long that will accommodate our small family.

There were a few versions of the iconic T@B Teardrop trailers at one particular booth. I liked the T@G trailer. This unit kind of resembles a tiny rugged spaceship. The T@G Teardrop trailer had room for two people to lay down in climate-controlled comfort on a real mattress! It has space to sit up and read a book or watch TV comfortably if the weather outside is bad, and the kitchen is outside on the back of the trailer located in a clamshell-type hatch. The T@G Teardrop trailer was designed to be towed by a small SUV, so for those looking for a simple set-up, it’s a good option. However, I realized with two kids, the T@G Teardrop trailer would be a bit cramped, but I could always have them sleep outside in a tent if I wanted more room.
There were also two TAB Teardrop trailers for sale, which is what everyone flocked to. These T@B trailers are taller than the T@G models, which means a shortie like me (I’m 5’2″) can stand up comfortably inside the trailer. The TAB Teardrop trailer CS-S model has a wet bath inside, which for many people, appears to be a must-have in a trailer. It was a little squeeze to get in the door of the bath of the teardrop camper, and I can’t imagine taking a shower in there, but it was fun to try. The TAB Teardrop trailer CS-S model has a kitchen on the outside, which I loved. It keeps the cooking smells out of the trailer!
The other TAB Teardrop trailer had the kitchen on the inside and came with an Outback (now called Boondock) package, so it had some more rugged details like burly wheels and diamond plating outside. The kitchen wouldn’t work for the kind of cooking we do while camping — lots of flames and lots of mess; we’d destroy the interior, but for those who don’t want to have to go outside to brew a cup of coffee or fry up an egg, this TAB Teardrop trailer might be just the ticket.

Currently, nüCamp offers TAB Teardrop trailers in three different models (The T@B 400 Camper, T@B Teardrop, and the T@B Clamshell.) The different trim levels offer owners some variety for each model. And the teardrop camper prices? The teardrop trailers in the nüCamp line-up are not cheap. An entry-level TAB Teardrop trailer is almost twice the price of an entry-level trailer from many manufacturers. But you can clearly see that you get what you pay for. Many of the teardrop trailers for sale seemed like they wouldn’t last beyond a few camping seasons. The nüCamp trailers are built like tanks, not a wobble to be found. They are made with quality materials and great craftsmanship. If you can’t afford a new one, check out some of the used teardrop trailers. You’re not going to fit a family of four past the toddler stage into one of these cuties, but for two people who are looking for a super cute, super-smart trailer? The T@B Teardrop trailer is hard to beat.
Currently, the T@Bs are available in five models, two with outdoor kitchens. Two levels of trims are available for each model type. The TAB teardrop trailers in the Little Guy line are not cheap. An entry-level TAB teardrop trailer is almost twice the price of an entry-level trailer from many manufacturers. But you can clearly see that you get what you pay for. Many of the trailers I stepped into (and jumped right back out of) seemed they wouldn’t last beyond a few camping seasons. The Little Guys are built like tanks. Not a wobble to be found. Obvious quality materials. Obvious good craftsmanship. You’re not fitting a family of four past the toddler stage into one of these cuties, but for two people looking for a super cute super smart trailer, they’re hard to beat.
If you’re interested in trying out a TAB teardrop trailers before you buy, this is a great place to start.