Outdoorsy memberHost since July 2020
3.8100% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
About Thomas Peter
Outdoorsy memberHost since July 2020
3.8100% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
1 RV available to rent
Memories made on trips with Thomas Peter's RVs
0August 2023
Thomas Peter canceled the booking 3 days before departure. This is an automated posting.
Larry D.
4March 2022
Every trip has a few minor issues like with a boat or any RV but overall everything was very good going to schedule it again for next year
0September 2021
Thomas Peter canceled the booking 7 days before departure. This is an automated posting.
Isela R.
5September 2021
Our trip was amazing!! Everything went great. The RV is equipped with everything you need for a trip. Communication was quick and efficient. We had a memorable time. We have our own back @ home and all I can say is that they made our trip a lot easier with everything it came with.
1 Photo submitted by Isela R.
Nadine H.
1August 2021
The RV had a check engine light the whole time because of low engine fluid and at check in we were not properly shown all hook ups and functions. The person we had as an emergency contact freaked out over text when we called them asking how to hook it up. We paid extra for a dumping fee and then they held our security deposit of $150 for not dumping it. They cleared the RV and we asked about dumping before we left, which they said was no problem, and then 10 minutes after we left they claimed our security deposit. They continued messaging us about issues that it didn’t have while we rented it. All communication back to them asking about the cleaning fee, and the mechanical issues they had were ignored. We were literally the easiest RV renters we drive it one hour to a campsite opened it once, closed it up and drove it back. The bed above the driver seats was broken, there’s a bunch of damage to the outside. If you’re not an expert RVer save yourself the trouble and don’t rent from them.
Marc H.
5March 2021
My daughter and I had a great time together and everything was perfect. I would highly recommend renting this RV.
Mo C.
4November 2020
Great RV for the track