5About Carol Helsel
Hello! My name is Carol, and my daughters, son-in-law, and I have a great passion for camping. We love the outdoors and checking out new places, whether the usual touristy destinations, or something off the beaten path. When traveling we in particular enjoy getting to know the local hot spots and favorite things to do. My daughters, Katelyn and Morgan, are young adults and camping is a great way to get away from electronics and enjoy nature. We also love to camp with our two dogs, Lola (Lab mix) and Maverick (GSP)!
5Memories made on trips with Carol Helsel's RVs
Jill B.
4July 2022
Charles J.
5September 2020
Jackie B.
5August 2020
patrick K.
5July 2020
little older but everything worked fine. Best experience we've had renting and we've rented other campers about 6 times. Would definitely use this one again
2 Photos submitted by patrick K.
Jennifer W.
5June 2020
1 Photo submitted by Jennifer W.
Sara K.
5September 2019
Garrett V.
5August 2019
2 Photos submitted by Garrett V.
Gerald H.
5July 2019
Brian S.
5August 2018
Mark H.
4August 2018
Ryan B.
5July 2018
Jenna S.
5July 2018