5About Bob Healy
Hi! My name is Bob and I live in beautiful North Carolina with my lovely wife. We enjoy the outdoors, RV'ing, traveling with family and friends and making new friends at destinations. At our age, we also enjoy the luxury of our 2022 Class A Coachman Mirada and know that you and your family will as well! Happy Glamping! Some of our recent trips were to Islamorada, Disney World Campgrounds (right near the short ferry ride to the main entrance!) yup no buses, parking in lots, expensive hotels, or waiting on tram lines. We left the park, hopped on the ferry and were relaxing in our luxurious RV before others were able to get to their cars via the tram or buses. On the way back we stopped at the Kennedy Space Center where the grandkids were in awe of the rockets, and finally Charleston, S.C. It was a great trip with family!