Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2018
4100% response rateTypically responds within an hour
About Nicolaas Burger
A cruise line veteran and avid Outdoorsman, lived in the RV for 3 years touring the Mid-west and Western State parks in between work on board one of the Windstar Cruise ships. Favorite trip was to Yellowstone.
Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2018
4100% response rateTypically responds within an hour
1 RV available to rent
Memories made on trips with Nicolaas Burger's RVs
Tyler D.
4September 2020
Nicolaas was nice to deal with. Answered all of my questions. Only issue was sometimes the generator not wanting to stay running, but he stated that the generator was being fixed. Other than that, he was reasonable on gas/mileage and made for a nice experience