Our Trip was very successful, in helping a Family member re-locate from Florida to Georgia. The Martin's, Father, Son, and his Fiance were all just "Plain 'Ol", Pleasant Folks. We had one mis-hap on our Drive to Florida, from Georgia, during the night through a Heavy Rain Storm, and the driver's side Wind-Shield Wiper broke at the base of it's Mount, 20 miles short of our Off-Ramp. We gently stayed at 55 MPH, and made it to our Campsite Destination. == The next day, we drove to a Close-By, "Camping World" to get the Wiper repaired, in which, while waiting our turn for a Mechanic to repair the Wiper, was a "majority of the day", Time Investment. We stayed 1 extra day, and returned the Motor Home to the owners on a Sunday, rather than the previous day, Saturday, in which, they had to prep their Unit for a new family's Rental for that upcoming Monday. == Initially, was going to be charged an additional day's fee, plus a late fee. But when we were able to explain to the Owners what had happened, and our time, and our $427.94 Repair cost, Mr. Kenneth Martin, who while not previously knowing what had occurred, graciously retracted and waived these Fees. == The only thing outstanding is the Re-Imbursement costs of the $427.94 repair costs, in which, we have full confidence that this will occur, but not sure how this transaction will take place. Overall, the Martin's were, and are, Kind and Respectful Folks. We had a Glorious time, and all Intents were smoothly satisfied and successful. Thank You, Martin's!